Google has launched its chat app Allo for its android and IOS users. Apart from offering a few intriguing features,the app pits google in a direct competition with Whatsapp. Some of the features of Allo missing in the popular instant messenger Whatsapp which makes Allo stand out of crowd in Chating App. Google Allo is more intelligent and makes uses of latest technology such as machine learning and Artificial Intelligent.
Google Assistant support
Google Allo comes with the Google Assistant integration, which brings the search feature into the app. The users will now be able to search for hotels, flights, movie theatres and many other things directly from this app. Along with this, the app will also be integrated with tools like YouTube, Maps, and Translate. Basically, the concierge service comes to life in this app. Something Whatsapp and other IM’s were trying to do.
Smart Reply
The Allo messaging app comes equipped with the Smart Reply feature, which was earlier seen in the Inbox app by Gmail. The Smart Reply feature provides suggestions to the users for replies at the time of texting. It uses the artificial intelligence to read the text and reply patterns of the users, and then comes up with relevant suggestions. Seems useful on paper, but does it really work? We would get to know in a few months time.
Bigger texts
The Google Allo users will have the ability to adjust the size of the text reply with ease. The users can increase or decrease the font size using slider buttons called ‘whisper and shout.’
Incognito Mode
The app also comes with an incognito mode, which is built on company’s open signal protocol. The feature is designed to make the chats more secure. Moreover, the chats will also expire once the conversation is over.
Write on pictures
In order to make the conversation more interesting and engaging the Allo app allows the users to write or draw on pictures before sending them.
Stickers onboard
Stickers are becoming an important medium of communication. Just like, Line and WeChat Google Allo also offers stickers to make the conversation more expressive.In contrast, WhatsApp seems to be doing pretty well with its minimal feature set. The only thing working for WhatsApp, IMHO, is that it’s already captured 90% of your entire contact list and it’s incredibly hard for anyone to make you give up on all of that.
Selective end to end encryption
While both Whatsapp and Allo offer end to end encryption for chats, the latter allows for ‘selective end to end encryption’, which means that you can select the contact you want to chat with in incognito mode, through its ‘Incognito Chat’ option. Along with this, the chat history will disappear after you have finished the talk, depending on the expiration period you have set. In case, you have switched off your expiration period, the chats won’t disappear.
Of course, WhatsApp has been acquired by Facebook, but Google Allo is a pure Google creation. The intention behind not incorporating features like direct calling or video calls is to redirect users to other Google apps like Duo and Hangouts.
yes right, Google Allo is far more better than whatsapp but people have already got used to with whatsapp but some hope is there. Hike also tried the same as google Allo but isn’t successful compared to whatsapp. whatsapp is now trying to keep the users attracted by launching new features every other day!
Apart from all this race the one who thought of the idea first for android user will hopefully run the race because now at this time they know what exactly people want!