Google Wallet is a Mobile payment system that allows users to store credit card, loyalty card on mobile phone developed by Google. Google Wallet makes secured payment, fast and convenient.Google Wallet has introduced an app which makes your as your wallet this app is available for Galaxy Nexus phones.
Using any online transaction security is most important and Google Wallet gives best security for your online money transaction. Your debit card if it is stolen then he can use it in some circumstances without any PIN or Signature. So in Google Wallet it require PIN and some additional security to use it. The best feature of Android which i like most is Android devices can be locked using PIN. Google Wallet store user information in encrypted form in computer chip called secured element.
Google Wallet online service where you can carry your wallet on web .It securely store your credit card information online.The merchants which except Google Wallet you can quickly pay by signing in.
Save your Time and Money by Shopping with Google Wallet -A Smart, Virtual Wallet that store your payment card and much more on your phone .