WhatsApp dare games are trending these days. These WhatsApp dare games are in form of truth and dare games, dare messages, dare questions, quiz, dare messages with symbols and funny dares etc. You can play these games on WhatsApp, Facebook and other social media sites as well. WhatsApp dare games for friends, lovers, crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, couples etc.

Best WhatsApp Dare Games

Dare 1: Choose one clock and then you’ll have to put that song as your status for one day.



? Oye hoye jawaani le doobi aaye haye jawaani le doobi ?
? Ban gaya kutta to main ban gya kutta ?
? Life ki naughty kahani ye halkat jawani ?
? Chor hun main.. lucha hun main.. hadd se bada tuccha hu main ?
? Main ladka po po po tu ladki po po po ham donon milen po po po ?
? Main naagin dance nachna ??
? Nain hum ladayenge baby doll se ho laundiya patayenge miss call se ?
? Ye duniya ye mehfil mere kaam ki nahi ?
? Papa kehte hai badnaam karega beta hamara esa kaam krega ?
? Hattori hattori yeh hain apna yaar, hasta aur hasata hai yeh asli ninja, main hoon ek ninja ?

Whatsapp Dare Game for Lovers

Dare : Choose a ❤ from the given below and I will send you a dare for the selected. ❤ Please note that you can’t revert back from the dare if you choose to play.

❤ 1 ❤ 2 ❤ 3 ❤ 4 ❤ 5 ❤ 6 ❤ 7 ❤ 8 ❤ 9 ❤ 10


❤ 1. Be My BF/GF for 1 day

❤ 2. Use My Photo as your WhatsApp DP

❤ 3. Reveal your relationship status – Single or committed?

❤ 4. What do you like the most in me?

❤ 5. Rate my look from 1 to 10

❤ 6. Propose me

❤ 7. Kiss Me

❤ 8. What Kind of Relationship do you expect from me?

❤ 9. What qualities do you search for your life partner?

❤ 10. Tell me the name of your GF/BF

whatsapp dare messages with answers

Dare : Choose any number between 1 to 25 and I will send you your dare.


  1. Write your crush name in your status.
  2. Will you kill anyone if you get permission? If yes, Who is that person?
  3. Be my GF/BF for one day.
  4. The quality you like the most in yourself?
  5. The quality you’d like to change in yourself?
  6. What do you like in me?
  7. The thing you don’t like in me
  8. On your interest, the person you like to marry.
  9. Send me your cutest picture.
  10. Describe me in one word.
  11. The most important person in your life?
  12. My contact name on your phone.
  13. The nickname you want to give me?
  14. Things you like most in me?
  15. A color that suits me?
  16. Relation status you want to be with me? (No cheating)
  17. The thing you like most about my character?
  18. The thing you hate in my attitude?
  19. Which type of dresses suits me the most?
  20. Dedicate a song to our relationship?
  21. Rate my WhatsApp profile picture out of 100?
  22. The first thing you notice in a person when you meet them the first time.
  23. Your Best Friend.
  24. What is your opinion on me?
  25. What is your crazy dream?


whatsapp dare games for crush

Dare : Select anyone and reply within 2 minutes.



??: Put My DP on your WhatsApp for 2 days
??: Propose Me
??: Get Me Recharge of 100rs
??: Come to a Party with Me
✊✊: Kiss Me
??: Post I Love You status for 2 days on your Facebook timeline
??: Give me a Tight Hug
??: Send me your Worst Pic.
??: Tell me the best you see in me
??: Tell, What you hate most in me?
??: Tell me who is the ugliest girl in our class
✌✌: Send Me I love You 5 Times ❤
☝☝: Tell me the name of your all Crushes till now.

WhatsApp Dare for Lovers

There are lots of dare games for lovers; one of them is to choose a number between, for example; you’ll be asked to choose a number between say 1 to 25. Now as you’ll choose your number and send, you’ll be forwarded a dare which is decided for that number and you’ve to perform it. It can be in form of question-answer messages etc.

Dare : Choose any one of your Lucky numbers?

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


9 – Rate me as a friend from 1 to 10

8 – What you like the most in me?

7 – Tell me your girlfriend/boyfriend name.

6 – Call me and sing a song for me.

5 – Write a Whatsapp status for me for the next 12 hours!

4 – Rs 100 recharge on my phone

3 – Tell something which you do not like in me…

2 – What kind of relationship do you expect from me?

1- Rate me in looks from 1 to 100.

0 – Tell me your relationship status-Single, Committed, Married, Divorced, Complicated, Engaged, etc

whatsapp dare for crush

Dare : Choose any your favorite Alphabet from A to Z and get ready for your dare.


A – Send a voice note saying that You love me.

B – Give me a treat

C – Ignore me ?

D – Tell me a secret about you ?

E – Delete my number :/

F – Make my picture your DP for 1 day

G – Send me a picture of your legs

H – Who am I for You.

I – Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now

J – Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O

K – Ask me out

L – Send me your latest picture

M – Reveal your any one secret.

N – What’s your deepest secret?<3

O – Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice! (y)

P – Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t

Q – Write ma name on your status saying you love me..!!

R – Be my slave for 2 days

S – Write your phone number on your status for 1 day!! B)

T – Send me a picture of what you are doing now.

U – Voice clip me saying I wanna go crazy

V – Tell me one thing you have never told anyone B-)

W – What’s on your mind

X – Describe me with a single Movie name?

Y – How do you find me?

Z – Send a pic of your crush.

Dare : Choose Any Number from 1 to 10


  1. How do you describe me at least five line?
  2. Send me a photo of your first crush.
  3. Ice cream treat
  4. Send me your cutest picture
  5. Make my picture as your dp for a whole day
  6. Give me treat next time
  7. Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”
  8. Date me
  9. Send a voice message saying that you love me in 3 romantic ways.
  10. Call me and say my name in a loud voice!

Whatsapp Dare for Girlfriend

If you want to give someone any nick name you can try this and she can’t say anything if she will select any number.?

Dare: Choose one from 1 to 22 and i’ll call you by that name.


  1. Baby
  2. Gadhi
  3. My love
  4. Darling
  5. Dhakkan
  6. Dear
  7. Idiot
  8. Jaanu
  9. Sweetheart
  10. Janeman
  11. My love
  12. Crazy
  13. Monkey
  14. idiot
  15. Honey
  16. Beautiful
  17. Tubelight
  18. Sweetheart
  19. Tubelight
  20. Donkey
  21. stupid
  22. Sweety

whatsapp games for lovers

If you want to say your lover anything you can use these whatsapp games for lovers.

Dare: Choose one number and see your luck



99= I Love You????
87 = I Kill You???
72 =I Hate You???
45 = I Like You???
10 = I Fight With You???
61 = I Pray For You???
82 = I Don’t Like You????
91= I Kiss You????
77 = I am Only For You???
37 = I Miss You?

I hope you will like these whatsapp dares. If you have any query or you want whatsapp dare on something special topic then let me know bycomments I will happy to help you.

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