Hey friends we are back here with our WhatsApp Dare Games for crush. Earlier we had posted WhatsApp Dare Games for girlfriend, thanks to you.. And so now we are planning to put a new Dare game which will be only for lovers and crushes. This game will be clean and can be sent to both boyfriend or girlfriend. We have also included the answers of this game which makes the game more interesting.
Whatsapp Dare Games for crush
Select your desired Heart Number and reply me in 10 seconds and I will send you Dare for your selected Heart and remember that you can’t back out as you have chosen to play this Whatsapp Game.
Here is the Dare to perform for your selected Heart Number.
1. Propose Me.
2. Make My Name As Your Status, Saying That You Want To Marry Me.
3. Send Me I Love You.
4. Sing Your Favourite Song Or Dedicate A Song To Me As A Video Clip.
5. Speak About Me For At Least 3 Minutes And Send Me A Video.
6. Tell Me Which Brand Undergarments You Wear.
7. Tell Me Your Deepest Secret.
8. Flirt me!!
9. Make A Collage Of Our Photos And Make It DP.
10. Tell Me The Name Of Your First Crush.
11. Write I Love You 50 Times And Send It To Me.
12. Tell Me The Name Of First Girl/Boy, You Kissed.
13. Come On Video Call And Send Me Kisses.
14. What Am I To You?
15. Be My One Day BF/GF.
16. Send Me A Picture Of What You Are Doing Now.
17. Do, 6,7 and 11th Dare.
18. Dance On Any Song And Send Me The Video.
19. Send Me A Picture Of You Wearing Least Clothes.
20. Tell Me Two Negative Points About Me That You Hate The Most.
WhatsApp SlamBook for crush
Send these interesting Whatsapp Dare Questions to your friend, lover and ask him/her to reply all questions in 2 minutes.
1. Your first Crush name?
2. If you have permission to Kiss any girl from your class, which Girl you select to Kiss?
3. What is your crazy dream?
4. The quality you like the most in yourself?
5. The quality you’d like the most in me?
6. What do you hate me?
7. The thing you want to be changed in me?
8. On your interest, the person you like to marry.
9. Your Best Friend Name.
10. What is your opinion on me?
WhatsApp Dare Games for Lovers
Choose any one of the numbers from below and send to me within 20 seconds.
- Propose me in sexiest style
- What are your feelings about me?
- Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”
- Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!
- Tell me one thing that you have never told anyone
- Make a dp of you and a guy with you. But he should not be your bf.
- Make our combined picture as your display picture for 1 day
- Have you ever think to block me on WhatsApp
- Tell me a secret about your relationship?
- send a pic of your crush
whatsapp games for crush
Who I Am I For You? Select one letter from the list and I will show you what you have selected.
- Chocolate
- Burger
- Pizza
- Sweets
- Pain Killer
- Cigarette
- Drugs
- Chocolate = You love me
- Pizza = Good Friends
- Burger = Time Pass
- Sweet = Best Friends
- Pain Killer = You Need Me
- Cigarette = Addict to Me
- Drugs = Can’t Live Without Me
whatsapp dare for crush
Choose any triple number from the list and I will show you, Who You Are. Reply Fast!!
- 000
- 111
- 222
- 333
- 444
- 555
- 666
- 777
- 888
- 999
000 – Handsome
111 – Lovely & Caring
222 – Silent killer
333 – True lover
444 – Cheater
555 – Sex Addict
666 – Heart Breaker
777 – Proud And Sweet
888 – Lazy In Bed
999 – Hard Worker
whatsapp games for crush
Actually this best Whatsapp Dare Games For crush is all about love and to understand your ex more. So in this you have to send this dare messages for Bf/Gf to your ex and let them answer to this Whatsapp dare messages honestly!
- My contact name in your phone?
Answer: ___________________
- Color that suits me?
Answer: ____________________
- Things you like most in me?
Answer: _____________________
- The nick name you want to give me?
Answer: _____________________
- Rate my Whatsapp profile picture out of 100?
Answer: _____________________
- Which type of dresses suits me most?
Answer: _____________________
- The thing you hate in my attitude?
- The thing you like most in my character?
Answer: ____________________
- Dedicate a song for our relationship?
Answer: ____________________
- Relation status you want to be with me? (No cheating)
Answer: _____________________
whatsapp games for crush girlfriend
Select any number from 1 to 54 and I’ll tell your dare, All new so be careful. Reply must and Fast
1. Ask me out
2. What’s your deepest secret?
3. Ice cream treat
4. Send me your cutest pic
5. Make my picture your dp for 1 day
6. Give me a treat
7. Write my name
8. Delete my number
9. Put your status for a day saying “I am mad”
10. Call me and tell I LOVE YOU
11.Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t…
12. Take a picture of yourself & send it to me
13. Do a favor on me
14. Call me and say my name in a loud voice!
15. Be my slave for 2 days.
16. What would u want our relation to be?
17. write my name on your status saying You love me..!!
18. Write your and my name in your status for 1 day!
19. What change would you want in me?
20. Send me your crush photo.
21. Send me a picture of what your doing now.
22. what are your feelings about me?
23. tell me one thing you have never told anyone
24. Voice clip me saying I wanna love you!
25. Tell me a secret about you
26. Send a voice note saying that you love me.
27. Make our combined picture as your dp for 1 day
28. Tell me a secret about your relationship?
29. .seduce me to do something
30. give me a treat
31. make a dp of u and a guy with you.. But he should not be your bf.
32. Write my name in Your status
33.send me your best friends number :p
34. Put your status for a day saying “I Miss You (My Name)”
35. send a pic of your crush
36. Voice clip send me your gonna crazy
37.Take a picture of yourself & send it to me now
38. Send me a pic of you wearing the least clothes on you
39. Ask me out
40. Don’t talk to me for 1 day :O
41. What am I to you??
42. Tell me something you always wanted to say but you couldn’t
43. Send me a voice note saying my name in a loud voice! (y)
44. What’s your deepest secret? <3
45. How do you find me ?
46. Write your phone number in your status
47. Send me a picture of what your doing now.
48. be my slave for 2 days
49. Send me your favorite chaddi (shorts) pic
50. write ma name on your status saying You love me..!!
51. what’s on your mind
52. tell me one thing you have never told anyone
53. How would you describe me?
54. Send a pic of your legs.
whatsapp dare for crush girlfriend
Choose any number from 1-10 and reply fast…
1. Send your selfie
2. Sing your favorite song and send the recording to me.
3. Send me kisses
4. Use my photo as your DP for 24 hours.
5. Send your funniest picture to me.
6. Put my name on your WhatsApp Status.
7. Click the pic of your legs and sent it to me.
8. Tell me your favorite actor with the proper reason behind it.
9. Tell me the brand of your under-garments your wear
10. Send me a video of yours telling that I am sweet.